2022 Lifestyle Wellness Challenge Week 1: Kitchen & Living Areas

Hello family and friends!

Happy New Year 2022!

I don’t know about you but I am so excited for a new year filled with hope, expectation and a greater sense of joy.

I know for me, 2021 was filled with times of JOY, AWE and FUN!

It was unfortunately also of trials, disappointments and unexpected changes. Over the last few weeks, I have carved out time to journal, pause, and pray.  I have enjoyed the space to be grateful for the many blessings. Also, to grieve the areas of disappointments, losses and difficulties,

My encouragement before you step into the new year take time to reflect, journal and pause regarding what 2021 meant for you.  Take time to be thankful for the tokens of joy and be proud of your areas of success and growth.  What did you do for fun?  Did you travel? Were there some changes in your life? Maybe got you engaged, married, moved or started a new job.   If you experienced sources of loss as many have, my thoughts, prayers and condolences are with you.  Feel free to read the recent post on GREIF.  I hope it brings you great comfort.  

To help you out in this special time of year as we let go 2021 and begin 2022, I am providing you my friends with this FREEBIE!

These 2 printable forms allow you space to write, reflect but also think ahead for 2022.

With that, I am so excited to announce the 2022 8 Week Reset Challenge that begins Sunday January 2nd.

Let’s tackle and focus on the following:

  • Kitchen

  • Dining Room

  • Living Room

If you have not yet, begin by putting away Christmas decoration, get rid of the tree and begin the clean up process.

I suggest setting sometime this next week to do a little refresher in the home.

Everyone has different systems, schedules and processes to keep the home clean and organized. What may work for one person may not work for the other.   I encourage you to set time aside that is right for you, your family and schedule.  You can do it in large chunks of time or break them down into smaller sets of time like 20, 40, or 60 minute increments.  


·   Fridge and Freezer: Clean out items that are expired, leftovers, and items no longer of use. Do a deep clean and reorganize.

·    Pantry: Check for expired dates, wipe down and re-organize the pantry.

·   Microwave and Oven: Do a deep cleaning of the oven and I highly suggest getting an oven liner.  They are inexpensive and keeps the oven bottoms from getting greasy.  

·   Cupboards, cabinets and drawers: Get rid of and maybe donate any items not using, do a wipe down and re-organize cooking appliances, dishes, glasses, etc.

·     Sweep, vacuum, mop the floors, baseboards etc.

·     Dust.

·     Window/Mirrors.


·    Remove any Christmas decorations.  Consider donating items you may want to get rid of.

·    Do a deep cleaning before re-decorating.

·    Clean out and organize baskets, drawers, bookshelves, entertainment areas and cabinets.

·    Sweep, vacuum, mop the floors, baseboards etc.

·    Dust.

·    Window/Mirrors.

·    Donate any unused items you don’t want.

·    Redecorate for everyday use.

I hope this week’s reset challenge on home organization is helpful. What is something that will bring you a greater sense of joy and peace into your home?

Lisa Hice



21 Life Changing Healthy Habits


Grieving during the Holiday? Here is Encouragement and Comfort for You!